New Virginia Majority (NVM) is led by a diverse and committed group of people who organize year-round for racial, economic, and environmental justice through political education, mass-scale voter outreach, mobilization, and intensive leadership development around dozens of issues.
Our Executive Team
Jon Liss, Co-Executive Director
Tram Nguyen, Co-Executive Director
Thomas Assefa - Chief of Staff
Our Senior Leadership Team
Sakina Bennett - Political Director
Chlo’e I. Edwards - Policy Director
Debra Freeman - Communications Director
Boaz Young-El - Organizing Director
Hub Organizations
Tenants and Workers United (TWU): Immigrant organizing in Northern Virginia.
Virginia Student Power Network (VSPN): Public university students organizing on campuses across the state.
Virginia Black Organizing Collaborative (VA BLOC): Black-led organizing in Hampton Roads and Newport News.
Asian Pacific Islander Civic Engagement (ACE Collaborative): Organizing Asian communities in Northern Virginia.