Happy 2023! Thank you for your ongoing support of New Virginia Majority. Here are some updates from our organization this month.
MLK Day of Action 2023
Over 300 community members and activists marched to the General Assembly building in Richmond in solidarity with NVM to demand legislators #stoprenthikes in Virginia. We lobbied legislators to support legislation that would provide rent stabilization and create a housing stability fund.
Show your support for housing justice in Virginia by signing our petition below!
Support the Virginia Housing Stability Fund >>>
Rent Relief in Loudoun County, Virginia
Community organizers and members spoke out at the January 17th Loudoun Board of Supervisors Business Meeting to demand rent relief for working-class tenants. They advocated for the Board to disburse the $12 million American Rescue Plan Act funds to support the Rent-Buy-Down Program. “We want the supervisors to hear us because this can’t happen anymore. We need their help,” said Kellin Orellana, an NVM member.
2023 Legislative Priorities
The Virginia General Assembly 2023 session started this month and will last until February 25th. NVM is committed to protecting the wins we have made for working families and people of color. Our policy staff is tracking hundreds of bills and advocating for housing justice, education, health, environmental justice, and expanding democracy.
Read our 2023 Legislative Priorities >>>
Support the work of New Virginia Majority by donating $3 to our organization. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest updates.
Together, we can lead the way toward a progressive Virginia for all of us.
In solidarity,
The Development Team
New Virginia Majority