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New Virginia Majority Newsletter: January 2022

Thank you for your ongoing support of New Virginia Majority. Here are some updates from our organization from January.

Housing Justice in Leesburg

Crescent Mobile Partners has backed away from the purchase of Leesburg Mobile Home Park, a community of primarily immigrant, working-class Latinos. This shows the immense power of community organizing and people power! However, the work to preserve Leesburg Mobile Park isn't done until it's ensured that it will be preserved long-term as an affordable community for Loudoun working-class families.

Read Our Statement >>>

2022 Legislative Priorities 

In order to build a Virginia that centers the policy demands and everyday needs of working-class communities of color, we’ll work with allies and legislators to fiercely defend the progress we’ve made to improve lives. Our legislative priorities include: Education, Healthcare, Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice, and Expanding Democracy. We look forward to continuing to advance and defend our priorities in the General Assembly!

Read Our Legislative Priorities >>>

Get Involved in this GA Session >>> 

Take Action Now! 

One of our legislative priorities this session is fair utility disconnections. Help us demand the Virginia General Assembly protect families by writing to your legislators about why unfair disconnection rules are in critical need of reform. 

Write To Your Legislator >>>

This year the Virginia General Assembly can take another step toward changing the state constitution and establishing a right to vote. This will stop the systematic disenfranchisement of the formerly incarcerated who lose their voting rights when they are convicted of a felony, and will be a step toward a fuller democracy by allowing thousands of people, now and in the future, to vote after they have served their sentence. Add your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of a right to vote constitutional amendment.

Sign Here >>> 

Support the work of New Virginia Majority by donating $3 to our organization. Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest updates.

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Together, we can lead the way toward a progressive Virginia for all of us.

In solidarity, 

The Development Team
New Virginia Majority

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