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New Virginia Majority Newsletter: December 2022

Thank you for your ongoing support of New Virginia Majority. Here are some updates from our organization this month.

Standing up Against Hate

Loudoun County hosted a public vigil after racist graffiti was found plastered at the South Riding Shopping Plaza. NVM members attended in solidarity. “As a society of love and peace we are against racial, social, and gender hatred that can cause harm to any of the people who live in this county. The diversity of our communities makes every corner of this nation great.” -Kellin Orellana, NVM member 

Read the ABC 13 Article 

Housing Justice in Loudoun 

Loudoun County residents gathered in Leesburg on December 16 to urge John Hall, the county's Housing and Community Development Director, to swiftly disburse the $12 million in federal ARPA funds to the Rent Buy-Down Program to bring urgent rent relief to working families. Sign the petition now!

A Harvard study has found that across Virginia, 46% of renters are cost-burdened, while 22% of Virginians spend more than half of their income on housing. In Loudoun County a household must earn a minimum of $86,500 in order to afford the median rent ($2,163).

Watch the Facebook Video

Press Conference in Arlington 

ACE Collaborative & La ColectiVA hosted a press conference on December 14, sharing organizing wins this year. Tenants from Barcroft Apartments also shared fears with the new landlords raising rents without a detailed displacement prevention plan. 

Read more about Barcroft Apartments

Support the work of New Virginia Majority by donating $3 to our organization. Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest updates. 

Together, we can lead the way towards a progressive Virginia for all of us.

In solidarity, 

The Development Team

New Virginia Majority

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