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New Virginia Majority Newsletter: May 2022

Thank you for your ongoing support of New Virginia Majority. Here are some updates from our organization this month.

May Day Vigil for Housing Rights

On International Workers Day, Leesburg families and our New Virginia Majority organizers gathered outside the Loudoun County Government Center. This was a vigil honoring the working class community and progress made to prevent displacement. The city of Leesburg is located in Loudoun County, Virginia- the wealthiest county in the country- with a median income of $147,000. Working class and immigrant communities in Loudoun are struggling to keep up with skyrocketing housing costs in the area. Currently the median rent in the area is more than $1,600, which is unattainable for most working class families. Support our housing justice work by signing our Housing is a Human Right petition. We are 238 signatures away from 1,000 signatories!

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ACE Housing Justice Rally 

Watch Asian American Pacific Islander Civic Engagement Collaborative (ACE) organizers and tenants from Barcroft Apartments hold a press conference and rally at Doctor's Run Park in Arlington, Virginia. Hear tenants share their experiences trying to prepare for skyrocketing rental costs, and organizers share the results of a recently completed survey conducted by organizers and Marymount University predicting tenant displacement of low-income residents.

Watch the Rally >>>

Support the work of New Virginia Majority by donating $3 to our organization. Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest updates. 

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Together, we can lead the way towards a progressive Virginia for all of us.

In solidarity, 

The Development Team

New Virginia Majority

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