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New Virginia Majority Newsletter: August 2022

Thank you for your ongoing support of New Virginia Majority. Here are some updates from our organization this month.

Action Needed: Rebuild Park View High School 

Loudoun County Public Schools held a Board meeting where parents, students, and teachers of Park View High School advocated for a new building. The Park View Redo Crew, which includes NVM members, has been organizing for months to demand a new high school. Park View has undergone several renovations in the past, however building issues such as wall cracks and flooding continue to be an ongoing problem. 

Sign the Petition >>>

Richmond Tenants March Against Evictions 

On August 18th, residents of Southwood apartments marched to the leasing office with signatures from tenants in opposition to eviction notices and pleas for more efficient maintenance repairs. The leasing office of Southwood is moving forward on evicting tenants while many are still struggling to keep up with rent payments and fees in the wake of the pandemic and rising inflation. Many tenants have received letters from the leasing office demanding payments for debts within 5 days or face eviction. Sofia Vega, a housing organizer with New Virginia Majority, stated in response to conditions at Southwood apartments in Richmond, “it has been pretty shocking to come into places where there are rats, broken electronics, mold, humidity, people are afraid for the kids - afraid the bed bugs or rats will bite them when they’re asleep. People fight this mainly for their kids because obviously, you don’t want to live in an unsafe place.”  

Watch the Rally>>>

Volunteer With New Virginia Majority

As election season approaches, we need YOUR help to get out the vote! We will be hosting virtual phone banking on Zoom, canvassing opportunities in Richmond and Northern Virginia, and monthly volunteer meetings on the third Thursday of each month. Our first meeting will be TONIGHT at 6:00pm EST via Zoom.

Click Here To Register>>>

Survey for Current Students and Youth in Virginia

Virginia Student Power Network just launched a fall survey to get to know Virginia youth organizers who are interested in organizing across the state better and understand the best ways to support young people and students in their organizing!

As we enter the Fall 2022 semester, VSPN is brainstorming events, trainings, and creating tools for students and young people across the state to benefit from in their organizing and leadership development. 

Take the Survey >>>

Support the work of New Virginia Majority by donating $3 to our organization. Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest updates. 


Together, we can lead the way toward a progressive Virginia for all of us.

In solidarity, 

The Development Team

New Virginia Majority

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