Richmond, VA - Today the House of Representatives passed some of the Build Back Better Act. For Virginians, this means access to free preschool for working-class families, the expansion of health care coverage, lower taxes, job creation, and access to affordable housing.
This historic legislation would provide relief to Virginia families and make a tangible difference in the lives of everyday people. Expanding rental assistance, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, and affordable child care are just a few tangible policies that will make strides to a more equitable place to live for all of us.
“The Build Back Better plan is the biggest investment in the American people since the New Deal. Not only will it lift up Americans from all walks of life, it also includes the largest effort to combat climate change in American history, ensuring that we do our part as global citizens to protect our planet for future generations,” said Tram Nguyen, co-executive director of New Virginia Majority.
Next, the bill will move on to the Senate, where Congress has a real opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Americans. The American people have waited long enough. With the support of Senator Warner and Senator Kaine, we hope for the speedy passage of the Build Back Better plan.
New Virginia Majority builds power in working-class communities of color, in immigrant communities, among LGBTQ people, women, youth, and progressives across the Commonwealth. We organize for racial and economic justice through large-scale political education, mobilization and advocacy around dozens of issues. We fight for a Virginia that is just, democratic and environmentally sustainable. For more information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at @NewVAMajority.