Richmond, VA - We are encouraged that SB 1200, sponsored by Sen. Rosalyn Dance, advanced out of committee today. SB 1200 would increase Virginia’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2021.
Tram Nguyen, Co-Executive Director, New Virginia Majority
We need to give working people opportunities so that they don’t have to make the hard choice between food on the table or a roof over their heads. One way to ensure the success of people who live and work in Virginia is a minimum wage that allows them a decent standard of living. The minimum wage bill is long overdue in the Commonwealth and will help pave the way to a more prosperous and equitable Virginia.
New Virginia Majority builds power in working-class communities of color across the Commonwealth. We organize for racial and economic justice through large-scale political education, mobilization, and advocacy around dozens of issues. We fight for a Virginia that is just, democratic, and environmentally sustainable.