Welcome to New Virginia Majority's 2025 Bill Tracker!
Find up-to-date information about the bills we're watching this session below.
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- Criminal Justice
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- Freedom from Hate and Fear
Criminal Justice
HB2217 | Counsel at First Appearance | Policy Agenda Priority | Person not free on bail; court appearance. | Callsen | Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N) |
SB1227 | Counsel at First Appearance | Policy Agenda Priority | Person not free on bail; court appearance. | Aird | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB1661 | Fines & Fees Reform | Policy Agenda Priority | Deferred or installment payment agreements; universal minimum payments. | Jones | Committee substitute printed 25107306D-S1 |
HB1665 | Fines & Fees Reform | Policy Agenda Priority | Fines, restitution, forfeiture, penalties, other costs; criminal and traffic cases; itemized statement. | Jones | Reported from Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N) |
HB1886 | Fines & Fees Reform | Policy Agenda Priority | Defendants; payment of costs when proceedings deferred and person placed on probation. | McClure | Senate Amendment agreed to by House (Y-54 N-43 A-0) |
HB2223 | Elimination of Counsel Fees | Policy Agenda Priority | Legal representation of indigent defendant; abolition of fees. | Cousins | Left in Appropriations |
SB1191 | Pretrial Data Project | Support | Adults charged w/criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail, etc. collecting/reporting data. | Deeds | Subcommittee recommends reporting (7-Y 1-N) |
HB1873 | Bail Reform | Support | Release of accused on secured or unsecured bond. | Callsen | Reported from Courts of Justice (9-Y 6-N) |
HB1955 | Ending the Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity | Support | Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties. | Gardner | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1955) |
SB888 | Ending the Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity | Support | Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties. | Perry | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB888) |
HB2221 | Reentry ID Assistance | Support | Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification, report. | Cousins | Reported from Finance and Appropriations with amendments (10-Y 5-N) |
HB2222 | Limiting the Use of Youth Shackling | Support | Restraints on juveniles; use in court prohibited, exceptions. | Cousins | Passed Senate (37-Y 1-N) |
HB2328 | Bail Reform for Pregant or Nursing Mothers | Support | Admission to bail; pregnant persons or persons who have recently given birth. | Simonds | Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice |
HB2530 | Limiting the Use of Youth Shackling | Support | Restraints on juveniles; use in court prohibited, exceptions. | Sewell | Left in Courts of Justice |
HB2555 | Marijuana Offense Resentencing | Support | Marijuana-related offenses; modification of sentence, sunset. | Henson | Reported from Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N) |
SB778 | Establishing Minimum Age for Juvenile Delinquency | Support | Juveniles; adjudication of delinquency, when and how child may be taken into immediate custody. | Locke | Read second time |
SB826 | Barriers to Reentry Reform | Support | Predetermination for licensing eligibility; prior convictions. | Locke | Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N) |
HJ2 | Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment | Policy Agenda Priority | Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote. | Bennett-Parker | Read third time |
SJ248 | Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment | Policy Agenda Priority | Constitutional amendment (first reference); qualifications of voters; right to vote; persons not entitled to vote. | Locke | Passed by for the day |
HB2276 | Voter Roll List Maintenance | Policy Agenda Priority | Voter registration; list maintenance activities, cancellation procedures, required record matches. | Price | Reported from Privileges and Elections and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N) |
HB1657 | Voter Roll List Maintenance | Policy Agenda Priority | Voter registration, regular periodic review of registration records; 90-day quiet period before all primary and general elections. | Henson | Reported from Privileges and Elections and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N) |
SB813 | Voter Roll List Maintenance | Policy Agenda Priority | Voter registration; regular periodic review of registration records. | Rouse | Passed House (51-Y 46-N) |
HB1945 | Access to Telehealth Services | Policy Agenda Priority | School boards; student access to telehealth services, policies. | Reaser | Assigned Education sub: Public Education |
SB1037 | Access to Telehealth Services | Policy Agenda Priority | School boards; student access to telehealth services, policies. | Pekarsky | Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (6-Y 1-N) |
HB2471 | Medicaid School-Based Service Expansion Study | Policy Agenda Priority | Students at public schools; expansion of Medicaid services; certain platforms, surveys, and analyses | Rasoul | Assigned Education sub: Health Professions |
SB1354 | Medicaid Service Billing | Policy Agenda Priority | Medicaid billing navigator positions; established. | Srinivasan | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB2341 | Culturally Responsive Language Appropriate Mental Health Guidance | Policy Agenda Priority | Culturally responsive & language-appropriate mental health support & services; guidance & policies. | Shin | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2341) |
HB2196 | Restorative Schools Pilot Program | Policy Agenda Priority | Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established, report. | McQuinn | Assigned Education sub: Public Education |
SB1262 | Restorative Schools Pilot Program | Policy Agenda Priority | Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established, report, sunset date. | Pekarsky | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
SB977 | Support Service Positions | Policy Agenda Priority | Standards of Quality; certain calculations, support services. | Hashmi | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB1831 | Support Service Positions | Policy Agenda Priority | Public schools; certain calculations in Standards of Quality, support services. | Simonds | Incorporated by Appropriations (HB1954-Rasoul) (Voice Vote) |
SB1236 | Support Service Positions | Policy Agenda Priority | Public schools; certain calculations in Standards of Quality, support services. | Aird | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB1954 | Special Education Support Service Positions | Policy Agenda Priority | Public school funding and staffing; special education students; support services positions. | Rasoul | Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N) |
SB738 | Cell Phone Possession Discipline | Support | Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; student cell phone possession and use policies; development and implementation. | Pekarsky, Hashmi | House substitute rejected by Senate (0-Y 37-N) |
HB1958 | Free School Breakfast | Support | School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students. | Bennett-Parker | Left in Appropriations |
SB1003 | Free School Breakfast | Support | School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students. | Roem | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
SB753 | Standards of Learning Assessments in Native Language for English Language Learning | Support | Standards of Quality; SOL assessments in languages other than English, development & administration. | Favola | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB1679 | Standards of Learning Assessments in Native Language for English Language Learning | Support | Standards of Learning assessments; availability in native language for certain English language learners. | Cohen | Assigned Education sub: Public Education |
SB768 | School-Based Mental Health and Behavioral Health Service Survey | Support | School-based mental and behavioral health services; DOE to survey local education agencies, report. | Favola | Referred to Committee on Rules |
SB1048 | Parental Notification of Safe Storage of Firearms and Drugs | Support | School board policies; parental notification, safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms, etc. | Pekarsky | Passed House (54-Y 42-N) |
HB1678 | Parental Notification of Safe Storage of Firearms and Drugs | Support | School board policies; parental notification; safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms in the household. | Cohen | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1678) |
Environmental Justice
SB1100 | Dominion Energy Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program | Policy Agenda Priority | Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program. | Hashmi | Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce |
HB2346 | Dominion Energy Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program | Policy Agenda Priority | Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program. | Hernandez | Passed by for the day |
HB1935 | Energy Efficiency & Weatherization Taskforce | Policy Agenda Priority | Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, report. | LeVere Bolling | Reported from General Laws and Technology with amendments and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N) |
SB777 | Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Taskforce | Policy Agenda Priority | Income-Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, definitions, report. | Locke | Passed House with amendments (73-Y 21-N) |
HB1980 | Laborers Health and Safety Standards for Heat Related Illness | Support | Employment health and safety standards; heat illness prevention. | Hernandez | Committee substitute printed 25107055D-S1 |
SB1103 | Laborers Health and Safety Standards for Heat Related Illness | Support | Employment health and safety standards; heat illness prevention. | Hashmi | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB2233 | Disaster relief fund funded by payments from fossil fuel extractors or crude oil refiners causing greenhouse gas emissions | Support | Extreme Weather Relief Act; established. | Cousins | Left in Labor and Commerce |
SB1123 | Disaster relief fund funded by payments from fossil fuel extractors or crude oil refiners causing greenhouse gas emissions | Support | Extreme Weather Relief Act; established. | Boysko | Passed by indefinitely in Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with letter (11-Y 2-N 1-A) |
HB2604 | New Generation Capacity Competitive Bidding | Support | Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. | Tran | Left in Labor and Commerce |
SB1403 | New Generation Capacity Competitive Bidding | Support | Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. | Surovell | Stricken at request of Patron in Commerce and Labor (15-Y 0-N) |
SB1196 | Energy Efficiency Requirements for Data Center Sales Tax Exemptions | Support | Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption data centers. | Deeds | Left in Finance and Appropriations |
HB2101 | SCC Data Center Energy Consumer Impact Proceeding | Support | Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. | Maldonado | Left in Labor and Commerce |
SB960 | SCC Data Center Energy Consumer Impact Proceeding | Support | Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. | Perry | Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (6-Y 4-N) |
HB2026 | Requires localities to site data centers within areas zoned as industrial areas | Support | Data centers; industrial zoning. | Thomas | Left in Counties, Cities and Towns |
HB2413 | Power Companies Intergrated Resource Plan Requirments | Support | Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. | Mundon King | Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor |
SB1021 | Power Companies Intergrated Resource Plan Requirments | Support | Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. | Surovell | Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce |
SB831 | Presumptive Eligibility | Policy Agenda Priority | Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility. | Locke | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB831) |
HB2102 | Presumptive Eligibility | Policy Agenda Priority | Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility, etc. | Feggans | Assigned Approps sub: Health & Human Resources |
SB740 | Unconscious Bias Training | Support | Medicine, Board of; continuing education, unconscious bias and cultural competency. | Locke | Read third time and passed Senate (23-Y 14-N) |
HB1649 | Unconscious Bias Training | Support | Board of Medicine; continuing education; unconscious bias and cultural competency. | Hayes | Read second time and engrossed |
HB1675 | Unconscious Bias Training | Support | Board of Medicine; continuing education; unconscious bias and cultural competency. | Hayes | Read second time and engrossed |
SB980 | Community Health Worker Medicaid Study Benefit | Support | Certified community health workers; state plan amendment to provide reimbursement for services. | Hashmi | Reported from Rules and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (12-Y 0-N) |
SB981 | Community Health Worker Annual Report | Support | Certified community health workers; Department of Health to submit annual report. | Hashmi | Reported from Education and Health and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N) |
HB2235 | Restraint Prohibitions for Pregnant Incarcerated People | Support | Local and regional correctional facilities; treatment of prisoners known to be pregnant. | Cousins | Read first time |
HB1614 | Postpartum Doula Care Benefit | Support | Postpartum doula care; DMAS to amend state plan for medical assistance services. | McClure | Read third time and passed House (89-Y 9-N 0-A) |
SB1418 | Postpartum Doula Care Benefit | Support | Postpartum doula care; DMAS to amend state plan for medical assistance services. | Aird | Assigned Education sub: Health |
HB1976 | Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program | Support | Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program; Department of Health to implement. | Laufer | Committee substitute printed 25106007D-H1 |
SB1493 | Right to Contraception | Support | Contraception; right to access. | Suetterlein | Passed by indefinitely in Education and Health (9-Y 6-N) |
HB2175 | Anti-Rent Gouging | Policy Agenda Priority | Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. | Clark | Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (5-Y 3-N) |
SB1136 | Anti-Rent Gouging | Policy Agenda Priority | Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. | Boysko | Rereferred from Local Government and rereferred to General Laws and Technology (14-Y 0-N) |
HB2218 | Pay Any Way | Policy Agenda Priority | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; rental payment methods. | Tran | Reported from General Laws with substitute (12-Y 10-N) |
SB832 | 5,000 Families Fund | Policy Agenda Priority | Rental assistance voucher pilot program; established report. | Locke | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB832) |
HB1879 | 5,000 Families Fund | Policy Agenda Priority | Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program. | Sewell | Reported from General Laws with amendment(s) and referred to Appropriations (13-Y 9-N) |
HB1870 | Stop Price-Fixing | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; algorithmic device services or products prohibited; civil penalty. | Callsen | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1870) |
HB1973 | Preserve Affordable Housing | Support | Affordable housing; preservation, definitions, civil penalty. | Bennett-Parker | Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection |
HB1719 | Give Tenants More Time to Pay | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord remedies; noncompliance with rental agreement. | Price | Reported from General Laws (12-Y 10-N) |
SB812 | Give Tenants More Time to Pay | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord remedies, noncompliance with rental agreement. | Rouse | Read third time |
HB1718 | Let Localities Sue | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; enforcement by localities. | Price | Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology |
HB1872 | Protect Tenants From Discrimination | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; adverse action by landlord; tenant remedies. | Hernandez | Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection |
SB815 | Protect Tenants From Discrimination | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; adverse action by landlord, tenant remedies. | Rouse | Read third time and passed Senate (23-Y 16-N) |
HB2229 | Let Tenants Sue | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; material noncompliance by landlord, rent escrow, relief. | Cousins | Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection |
HB1623 | Extend Eviction Prevention | Support | Eviction Diversion Pilot Program; name change, expiration repealed. | McClure | Read third time and passed House (72-Y 21-N) |
SB830 | Extend Eviction Prevention | Support | Eviction Diversion Pilot Program; name change, expiration repealed. | Locke | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB830) |
HB1709 | Tenant Protections - Broadband Services | Support | Va. Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord obligations access, of tenant to broadband services. | Gardner | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1709) |
HB1867 | Tenant Protections - Written Renewal Notice | Support | Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement; renewal notice. | McClure | Reported from General Laws with substitute (17-Y 5-N) |
SB1043 | Tenant Protections - Written Renewal Notice | Support | Va. Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement, renewal notice. | Ebbin | Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N) |
HB2122 | Mobile Home Tenant Rights Disclosure | Support | Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act; landlord obligations. | Maldonado | Reported from General Laws with substitute (19-Y 3-N) |
SB839 | Supply | Support | Zoning; by-right multifamily development in areas zoned for commercial use. | VanValkenburg | Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (5-Y 7-N 3-A) |
SB975 | Supply | Support | Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. | VanValkenburg | Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (4-Y 8-N 3-A) |
SB1221 | Tenant Protections - Exempt Indigent Parties To Post An Appeal Bond For Eviction | Support | Public housing authorities; indigent parties, unlawful detainer. | Aird | Read third time and passed Senate (39-Y 0-N) |
SB975 | Supply | Support | Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. | VanValkenburg | Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (4Y - 8N - 3A) |
HB2641 | Supply | Support | Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. | Helmer | Assigned Approps sub: Commerce Agriculture & Natural Resources |
Economic Justice
HB1625 | Minimum Wage | Policy Agenda Priority | Minimum wage; farm laborers or farm employees; temporary foreign workers. | McClure | Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N) |
HB1717 | Refundable Earned Income Tax Credit | Policy Agenda Priority | Earned income tax credit. | Price | Left in Appropriations |
HB1921 | Paid Sick Leave | Policy Agenda Priority | Employment; paid sick leave, civil penalties, effective date. | Ward | Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N) |
HB1928 | Minimum Wage | Policy Agenda Priority | Minimum wage. | Ward | Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N) |
HB2756 | Uber/ Lyft Transparency | Policy Agenda Priority | Transportation network companies; publishing and disclosure requirements. | Singh | Referred to Committee on Transportation |
SB1348 | Uber/ Lyft Transparency | Policy Agenda Priority | Transportation network companies; disclosure requirements, deactivation process, data report. | Srinivasan | Reported from Transportation (13-Y 7-N) |
HB2333 | Fair Share Tax | Policy Agenda Priority | Income tax, state; establishes a new bracket beginning on and after January 1, 2025. | Hernandez | Left in Finance |
HB2531 | Paid Family and Medical Leave | Policy Agenda Priority | Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements, civil action. | Sewell | Passed Senate (21-Y 18-N) |
SB1122 | Paid Family and Medical Leave | Policy Agenda Priority | Paid family and medical leave insurance program; definitions, notice requirements, civil action. | Boysko | Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce |
HB2561 | Minimum Wage | Policy Agenda Priority | Employee protections; minimum wage and overtime wages, civil actions, misclassification of workers. | Lopez | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2561) |
HB2180 | Child Tax Credit | Policy Agenda Priority | Child tax credit; Virginia adjusted gross income. | Tran | Left in Appropriations |
Freedom from Hate and Fear
HB2560 | Immigrant Criminal Proceeding Consequence Notification | Support | Defendant; notifying consequences criminal proceedings can have on immigration. | Lopez | Reported from Courts of Justice with amendment (15-Y 0-N) |
SB743 | Extradition Prohibition for Reproductive Health Care | Support | Reproductive health care services; prohibitions on extradition for certain crimes. | Favola | Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 3-N) |
HJ1 | Right to Reproductive Freedom | Support | Constitutional amendment; fundamental right to reproductive freedom (first reference). | Herring | Read third time |
SJ247 | Right to Reproductive Freedom | Support | Constitutional amendment; fundamental right to reproductive freedom (first reference). | Boysko | Passed by for the day |
SB1098 | Gender Affirming Health Care Protection | Support | Virginia Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act. | Hashmi | Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1098) |
HJ9 | Right to Same Sex Marriage | Support | Constitutional amendment; marriage between two adult persons. | Sickles | Read third time |
SJ249 | Right to Same Sex Marriage | Support | Constitutional amendment; marriage between two adult persons, etc., (first reference). | Ebbin | Passed by for the day |
SB1302 | Driver Privilege Cards Extension | Support | Limited-duration licenses, driver privilege cards and permits, etc.; expiration. | McPike | Subcommittee recommends reporting (4-Y 3-N) |