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2025 Bill Tracker

Welcome to New Virginia Majority's 2025 Bill Tracker! 

Find up-to-date information about the bills we're watching this session below. 

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Criminal Justice







HB2217 Counsel at First Appearance Policy Agenda Priority Person not free on bail; court appearance. Callsen Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
SB1227 Counsel at First Appearance Policy Agenda Priority Person not free on bail; court appearance. Aird Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB1661 Fines & Fees Reform Policy Agenda Priority  Deferred or installment payment agreements; universal minimum payments. Jones Committee substitute printed 25107306D-S1
HB1665 Fines & Fees Reform Policy Agenda Priority  Fines, restitution, forfeiture, penalties, other costs; criminal and traffic cases; itemized statement. Jones Reported from Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N)
HB1886 Fines & Fees Reform Policy Agenda Priority   Defendants; payment of costs when proceedings deferred and person placed on probation. McClure Senate Amendment agreed to by House (Y-54 N-43 A-0)
HB2223 Elimination of Counsel Fees Policy Agenda Priority    Legal representation of indigent defendant; abolition of fees. Cousins Left in Appropriations
SB1191 Pretrial Data Project Support Adults charged w/criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail, etc. collecting/reporting data. Deeds Subcommittee recommends reporting (7-Y 1-N)
HB1873 Bail Reform Support Release of accused on secured or unsecured bond. Callsen Reported from Courts of Justice (9-Y 6-N)
HB1955 Ending the Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity Support  Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties. Gardner Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1955)
SB888 Ending the Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity Support Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance prohibited; penalties. Perry Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB888)
HB2221 Reentry ID Assistance Support Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification, report. Cousins Reported from Finance and Appropriations with amendments (10-Y 5-N)
HB2222 Limiting the Use of Youth Shackling Support Restraints on juveniles; use in court prohibited, exceptions. Cousins Passed Senate (37-Y 1-N)
HB2328 Bail Reform for Pregant or Nursing Mothers Support Admission to bail; pregnant persons or persons who have recently given birth. Simonds Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
HB2530 Limiting the Use of Youth Shackling Support  Restraints on juveniles; use in court prohibited, exceptions. Sewell Left in Courts of Justice
HB2555 Marijuana Offense Resentencing Support  Marijuana-related offenses; modification of sentence, sunset. Henson Reported from Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N)
SB778 Establishing Minimum Age for Juvenile Delinquency Support Juveniles; adjudication of delinquency, when and how child may be taken into immediate custody. Locke Read second time
SB826 Barriers to Reentry Reform Support Predetermination for licensing eligibility; prior convictions. Locke Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)









HJ2 Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment Policy Agenda Priority Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote. Bennett-Parker Read third time
SJ248 Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment Policy Agenda Priority  Constitutional amendment (first reference); qualifications of voters; right to vote; persons not entitled to vote. Locke Passed by for the day
HB2276 Voter Roll List Maintenance Policy Agenda Priority   Voter registration; list maintenance activities, cancellation procedures, required record matches. Price Reported from Privileges and Elections and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N)
HB1657 Voter Roll List Maintenance Policy Agenda Priority    Voter registration, regular periodic review of registration records; 90-day quiet period before all primary and general elections. Henson Reported from Privileges and Elections and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N)
SB813 Voter Roll List Maintenance Policy Agenda Priority    Voter registration; regular periodic review of registration records. Rouse Passed House (51-Y 46-N)









HB1945 Access to Telehealth Services Policy Agenda Priority     School boards; student access to telehealth services, policies. Reaser Assigned Education sub: Public Education
SB1037 Access to Telehealth Services Policy Agenda Priority      School boards; student access to telehealth services, policies. Pekarsky Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (6-Y 1-N)
HB2471 Medicaid School-Based Service Expansion Study Policy Agenda Priority       Students at public schools; expansion of Medicaid services; certain platforms, surveys, and analyses Rasoul Assigned Education sub: Health Professions
SB1354 Medicaid Service Billing Policy Agenda Priority        Medicaid billing navigator positions; established. Srinivasan Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB2341 Culturally Responsive Language Appropriate Mental Health Guidance Policy Agenda Priority Culturally responsive & language-appropriate mental health support & services; guidance & policies. Shin Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2341)
HB2196 Restorative Schools Pilot Program Policy Agenda Priority Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established, report. McQuinn Assigned Education sub: Public Education
SB1262 Restorative Schools Pilot Program Policy Agenda Priority  Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established, report, sunset date. Pekarsky Left in Finance and Appropriations
SB977 Support Service Positions Policy Agenda Priority   Standards of Quality; certain calculations, support services. Hashmi Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB1831 Support Service Positions Policy Agenda Priority Public schools; certain calculations in Standards of Quality, support services. Simonds Incorporated by Appropriations (HB1954-Rasoul) (Voice Vote)
SB1236 Support Service Positions Policy Agenda Priority Public schools; certain calculations in Standards of Quality, support services. Aird Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB1954 Special Education Support Service Positions  Policy Agenda Priority Public school funding and staffing; special education students; support services positions. Rasoul Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
SB738 Cell Phone Possession Discipline Support  Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; student cell phone possession and use policies; development and implementation. Pekarsky, Hashmi House substitute rejected by Senate (0-Y 37-N)
HB1958 Free School Breakfast Support   School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students. Bennett-Parker Left in Appropriations
SB1003 Free School Breakfast Support School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students. Roem Left in Finance and Appropriations
SB753 Standards of Learning Assessments in Native Language for English Language Learning Support  Standards of Quality; SOL assessments in languages other than English, development & administration. Favola Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB1679 Standards of Learning Assessments in Native Language for English Language Learning Support  Standards of Learning assessments; availability in native language for certain English language learners. Cohen Assigned Education sub: Public Education
SB768 School-Based Mental Health and Behavioral Health Service Survey Support   School-based mental and behavioral health services; DOE to survey local education agencies, report. Favola Referred to Committee on Rules
SB1048 Parental Notification of Safe Storage of Firearms and Drugs Support School board policies; parental notification, safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms, etc. Pekarsky Passed House (54-Y 42-N)
HB1678 Parental Notification of Safe Storage of Firearms and Drugs Support School board policies; parental notification; safe storage of prescription drugs and firearms in the household. Cohen Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1678)


Environmental Justice







SB1100 Dominion Energy Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program Policy Agenda Priority         Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program. Hashmi Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
HB2346 Dominion Energy Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program Policy Agenda Priority         Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program. Hernandez Passed by for the day
HB1935 Energy Efficiency & Weatherization Taskforce Policy Agenda Priority          Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, report. LeVere Bolling Reported from General Laws and Technology with amendments and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N)
SB777 Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Taskforce Policy Agenda Priority  Income-Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, definitions, report. Locke Passed House with amendments (73-Y 21-N)
HB1980 Laborers Health and Safety Standards for Heat Related Illness Support Employment health and safety standards; heat illness prevention. Hernandez Committee substitute printed 25107055D-S1
SB1103 Laborers Health and Safety Standards for Heat Related Illness Support  Employment health and safety standards; heat illness prevention. Hashmi Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB2233 Disaster relief fund funded by payments from fossil fuel extractors or crude oil refiners causing greenhouse gas emissions Support Extreme Weather Relief Act; established. Cousins Left in Labor and Commerce
SB1123 Disaster relief fund funded by payments from fossil fuel extractors or crude oil refiners causing greenhouse gas emissions Support  Extreme Weather Relief Act; established. Boysko Passed by indefinitely in Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with letter (11-Y 2-N 1-A)
HB2604 New Generation Capacity Competitive Bidding Support Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. Tran Left in Labor and Commerce
SB1403 New Generation Capacity Competitive Bidding Support  Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. Surovell Stricken at request of Patron in Commerce and Labor (15-Y 0-N)
SB1196 Energy Efficiency Requirements for Data Center Sales Tax Exemptions Support Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption data centers. Deeds Left in Finance and Appropriations
HB2101 SCC Data Center Energy Consumer Impact Proceeding Support  Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. Maldonado Left in Labor and Commerce
SB960 SCC Data Center Energy Consumer Impact Proceeding Support Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. Perry Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (6-Y 4-N)
HB2026 Requires localities to site data centers within areas zoned as industrial areas Support Data centers; industrial zoning. Thomas Left in Counties, Cities and Towns
HB2413 Power Companies Intergrated Resource Plan Requirments Support Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. Mundon King Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
SB1021 Power Companies Intergrated Resource Plan Requirments Support Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. Surovell Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce









SB831 Presumptive Eligibility Policy Agenda Priority         Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility. Locke Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB831)
HB2102 Presumptive Eligibility Policy Agenda Priority         Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility, etc. Feggans Assigned Approps sub: Health & Human Resources
SB740 Unconscious Bias Training Support Medicine, Board of; continuing education, unconscious bias and cultural competency. Locke Read third time and passed Senate (23-Y 14-N)
HB1649 Unconscious Bias Training Support Board of Medicine; continuing education; unconscious bias and cultural competency. Hayes Read second time and engrossed
HB1675 Unconscious Bias Training Support Board of Medicine; continuing education; unconscious bias and cultural competency. Hayes Read second time and engrossed
SB980 Community Health Worker Medicaid Study Benefit Support Certified community health workers; state plan amendment to provide reimbursement for services. Hashmi Reported from Rules and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (12-Y 0-N)
SB981 Community Health Worker Annual Report Support Certified community health workers; Department of Health to submit annual report. Hashmi Reported from Education and Health and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
HB2235 Restraint Prohibitions for Pregnant Incarcerated People Support Local and regional correctional facilities; treatment of prisoners known to be pregnant. Cousins Read first time
HB1614 Postpartum Doula Care Benefit Support Postpartum doula care; DMAS to amend state plan for medical assistance services. McClure Read third time and passed House (89-Y 9-N 0-A)
SB1418 Postpartum Doula Care Benefit Support Postpartum doula care; DMAS to amend state plan for medical assistance services. Aird Assigned Education sub: Health
HB1976 Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program Support Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program; Department of Health to implement. Laufer Committee substitute printed 25106007D-H1
SB1493 Right to Contraception Support Contraception; right to access. Suetterlein Passed by indefinitely in Education and Health (9-Y 6-N)









HB2175 Anti-Rent Gouging Policy Agenda Priority Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. Clark Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (5-Y 3-N)
SB1136 Anti-Rent Gouging Policy Agenda Priority Local anti-rent gouging authority; civil penalty. Boysko Rereferred from Local Government and rereferred to General Laws and Technology (14-Y 0-N)
HB2218 Pay Any Way Policy Agenda Priority Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; rental payment methods. Tran Reported from General Laws with substitute (12-Y 10-N)
SB832 5,000 Families Fund Policy Agenda Priority Rental assistance voucher pilot program; established report. Locke Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB832)
HB1879 5,000 Families Fund Policy Agenda Priority Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program. Sewell Reported from General Laws with amendment(s) and referred to Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB1870 Stop Price-Fixing Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; algorithmic device services or products prohibited; civil penalty. Callsen Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1870)
HB1973 Preserve Affordable Housing Support Affordable housing; preservation, definitions, civil penalty. Bennett-Parker Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection
HB1719 Give Tenants More Time to Pay Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord remedies; noncompliance with rental agreement. Price Reported from General Laws (12-Y 10-N)
SB812 Give Tenants More Time to Pay Support Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord remedies, noncompliance with rental agreement. Rouse Read third time
HB1718 Let Localities Sue Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; enforcement by localities. Price Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology
HB1872 Protect Tenants From Discrimination Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; adverse action by landlord; tenant remedies. Hernandez Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection
SB815 Protect Tenants From Discrimination Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; adverse action by landlord, tenant remedies. Rouse Read third time and passed Senate (23-Y 16-N)
HB2229 Let Tenants Sue Support Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; material noncompliance by landlord, rent escrow, relief. Cousins Assigned GL sub: Housing/Consumer Protection
HB1623 Extend Eviction Prevention Support Eviction Diversion Pilot Program; name change, expiration repealed. McClure Read third time and passed House (72-Y 21-N)
SB830 Extend Eviction Prevention Support Eviction Diversion Pilot Program; name change, expiration repealed. Locke Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB830)
HB1709 Tenant Protections - Broadband Services Support Va. Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord obligations access, of tenant to broadband services. Gardner Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1709)
HB1867 Tenant Protections - Written Renewal Notice Support Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement; renewal notice. McClure Reported from General Laws with substitute (17-Y 5-N)
SB1043 Tenant Protections - Written Renewal Notice Support Va. Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement, renewal notice. Ebbin Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
HB2122 Mobile Home Tenant Rights Disclosure Support Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act; landlord obligations. Maldonado Reported from General Laws with substitute (19-Y 3-N)
SB839 Supply Support Zoning; by-right multifamily development in areas zoned for commercial use. VanValkenburg Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (5-Y 7-N 3-A)
SB975 Supply Support Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. VanValkenburg Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (4-Y 8-N 3-A)
SB1221 Tenant Protections - Exempt Indigent Parties To Post An Appeal Bond For Eviction Support Public housing authorities; indigent parties, unlawful detainer. Aird Read third time and passed Senate (39-Y 0-N)
SB975 Supply Support Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. VanValkenburg Failed to report (defeated) in Local Government (4Y - 8N - 3A)
HB2641 Supply Support Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock. Helmer Assigned Approps sub: Commerce Agriculture & Natural Resources


Economic Justice







HB1625 Minimum Wage Policy Agenda Priority  Minimum wage; farm laborers or farm employees; temporary foreign workers. McClure Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N)
HB1717 Refundable Earned Income Tax Credit Policy Agenda Priority  Earned income tax credit. Price Left in Appropriations
HB1921 Paid Sick Leave Policy Agenda Priority  Employment; paid sick leave, civil penalties, effective date. Ward Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N)
HB1928 Minimum Wage Policy Agenda Priority  Minimum wage. Ward Reported from Commerce and Labor and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (9-Y 6-N)
HB2756 Uber/ Lyft Transparency Policy Agenda Priority  Transportation network companies; publishing and disclosure requirements. Singh Referred to Committee on Transportation
SB1348 Uber/ Lyft Transparency Policy Agenda Priority  Transportation network companies; disclosure requirements, deactivation process, data report. Srinivasan Reported from Transportation (13-Y 7-N)
HB2333 Fair Share Tax Policy Agenda Priority  Income tax, state; establishes a new bracket beginning on and after January 1, 2025. Hernandez Left in Finance
HB2531 Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy Agenda Priority  Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements, civil action. Sewell Passed Senate (21-Y 18-N)
SB1122 Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy Agenda Priority  Paid family and medical leave insurance program; definitions, notice requirements, civil action. Boysko Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
HB2561 Minimum Wage Policy Agenda Priority  Employee protections; minimum wage and overtime wages, civil actions, misclassification of workers. Lopez Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2561)
HB2180 Child Tax Credit Policy Agenda Priority  Child tax credit; Virginia adjusted gross income. Tran Left in Appropriations


Freedom from Hate and Fear







HB2560 Immigrant Criminal Proceeding Consequence Notification Support Defendant; notifying consequences criminal proceedings can have on immigration. Lopez Reported from Courts of Justice with amendment (15-Y 0-N)
SB743 Extradition Prohibition for Reproductive Health Care Support Reproductive health care services; prohibitions on extradition for certain crimes. Favola Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 3-N)
HJ1 Right to Reproductive Freedom Support Constitutional amendment; fundamental right to reproductive freedom (first reference). Herring Read third time
SJ247 Right to Reproductive Freedom Support Constitutional amendment; fundamental right to reproductive freedom (first reference). Boysko Passed by for the day
SB1098 Gender Affirming Health Care Protection Support Virginia Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act. Hashmi Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1098)
HJ9 Right to Same Sex Marriage Support Constitutional amendment; marriage between two adult persons. Sickles Read third time
SJ249 Right to Same Sex Marriage Support Constitutional amendment; marriage between two adult persons, etc., (first reference). Ebbin Passed by for the day
SB1302 Driver Privilege Cards Extension Support Limited-duration licenses, driver privilege cards and permits, etc.; expiration. McPike Subcommittee recommends reporting (4-Y 3-N)